Secrets to Wellness

by Daniela Little

A group of health professionals from our church, including registered nurses, registered dietitians and a retired physical therapist, will be teaching “Secrets to Wellness,“ a free health seminar, with the goal of learning how to boost your energy, live longer, and improve your lifestyle. 

Beginning August 7 and every Sunday in August from 5 to 7 p.m., the Ridgetop Adventist Elementary School (RAES) will host the free weekly seminar intended to prevent and manage diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, strokes, cancer and more.

Cooking classes, health screenings, and coaching will also be offered.

Why is this important? According to the Tennessee Health Department, in 2010, Robertson County had an incidence of adult obesity of 32.9%. This means that 3 in 10 adults were obese. The CDC states that obesity is a risk factor for many other diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and some types of cancer. All these are at the same time leading causes of death, which often could be prevented.

As far as Type 2 Diabetes, Tennessee’s prevalence has increased over the years, and all counties have higher prevalence than the national median. Tennessee is within the 10 least healthy states, ranking 43 in the country according to U.S. News.

As a dietitian at TriStar Northcrest Medical Center, Daniela Little, MS, RDN, LDN, states, “I have first hand experience with what uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, smoking, cancer and other problems can do to your life. My heart aches for patients that could see dramatic improvements in the quality of life with just a little help with their nutrition choices and lifestyle decisions. Many think that these diseases are related to your genes or inherited, but in reality there are many modifiable factors that can reduce and prevent them.”

The series of health seminars are based on Ernestine Finley book called “Secrets to Wellness”. Where water, exercise, love, lifestyle, nutrition, environment, sunshine and sleep are the 8 key factors to improve the quality of life of each individual. The best news is that these key factors are available to everyone.

In E. Finley's own words ``We cannot completely determine what will happen in the future, but we can make lifestyle choices today that will give us the best chance of living the healthiest life possible. It's never too late to make positive choices”.

Join us in August and experience first hand what “Secrets to Wellness” can do for your life.

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